The Department is one of the five teaching departments of the School of Engineering at Moi University. It was established on 1st September 1991.It offers a five year Bachelor programme in Civil and Structural Engineering, and two year Master of Science programmes in Structural Engineering and Water Engineering
The Bachelor of Engineering programme admitted its first batch of students in the 1992/93 academic year, and the Master of Science programmes admitted their first students in the academic year 1997/98.
In addition to teaching, the various staff members are involved in research activities in their areas of specialisation. Establishment of a fully fledged unit within the department concerned with research, consultancy and laboratory and field testing was established in 1997.
Undergraduate Programme
The main objective of the undergraduate programmes are to:
- prepare graduate engineers who can accomplish the design and construction of building and infrastructure facilities;
- prepare the graduate engineers with sound knowledge in the fundamentals so as to enable them to participate in applied theoretical research as well as consultancy services;
- develop vocational and entrepreneurial skills among graduate engineers as a basis for employment and further studies;
- develop positive and responsive vocational attitudes; initiative and creative thinking oriented to the world of work.
The department started with an annual undergraduate capacity of only 15 students since the physical facilities were in early stages of development. The situation is continuously improving all the time and since 1997/98 academic year more than 30 students are admitted per year.
Master of Philosophy Programmes
The department offers designed master of Science programmes to:
- deliver specialised engineers in Structural Engineering and Water Engineering who will strengthen the design and research capacity in the universities, industry and other institutions;
- stimulate applied and theoretical research into regional problems in Structural Engineering and Water Engineering.
The programmes were started in the 1997/98 academic year with an envisaged capacity of 5 students per programme. It is planned that the programmes will serve the entire Africa region with capacity at the international level too. Currently, a total of 9 students are enrolled in the programme.
The staff capacity has grown steadily over the years. There are 19 members of the academic staff well distributed in the various sub-disciplines of which 7 are in staff development positions of Tutorial Fellow and Graduate Assistant and are undergoing the necessary training to become lecturers.
Physical Facilities
In addition to the University common facilities such as library, bookshop and facilities in other departments, the following are available at the departments:
- Lecture rooms;
- Hydraulics Laboratory
- Public Health Engineering Laboratory;
- Materials Laboratory;
- Computer Laboratory with 16 Personal Computers;
- 2 motor vehicle;
- Modern communication equipment such as fax, e-mail and access to internet;
- 2 No. Photocopiers
The facilities available in the various laboratories already meet a very wide range of tests and activities to extend these laboratories are continuing
Links with other Institutions
The department has established strong academic linkages with the following institutions:
- Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands;
- Free University of Brussels, Belgium;
- Universitatet fuer Bodenkultur Vienna, Austria;
- University of Paris 6, France;
- Makerere University, Uganda;
- University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
A capacity building project called the Co Financing of Higher Education (MHO) is was executed jointly with Delft University of Technology funded by the Government of the Netherlands. The activities of the project included manpower and infrastructure development.Moi University was one of the 11 universities from the developing world participating on MHO Programme. Joining the programme was preceded by very competitive applications from various universities. Meeting the criterion is an acknowledgement of very elaborate plans for the long term.
A research project on constructed wetlands for water pollution control is in was conducted jointly with Makerere University and University of Dar-es-Salaam and supported by the Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Vienna. Participating on this project is also a clear indication of the department’s strength in developing useful linkages.
Continuing Education
Teaching seminars are held once every two years on the application of the finite element methods in continum mechanics. Facilitators are normally drawn from the Free University of Brussels and the University of Paris 6. Short courses are also given on diverse subjects under the MHO programme at least once every year. The department plans to organise continuing education activities on a continuous basis.
Research & Consultancy
Two members of the academic staff are currently on study leave, conducting research for their PhD. Members of staff have also conducted individual research and published in refereed journals and conference proceedings. A number of publications have been produced over the life of the department. 5 MSc students are also currently conducting their thesis research.
In the recent past consultancy work was undertaken for CARE Kenya, Eldoret Water & Sanitation Company, World Vision Kenya, Kenya Ordinance Ltd., UNHCR, Bamburi Cement Factory.
Collaboration with Industry
Through the Industrial Attachment programme for the undergraduate students regular contact with the industry has been established. The department plans to expand the collaboration by introducing other activities such as joint research and consultancy with industry. It is envisaged that, among other, the following benefits will accrue:
- Developing programmes which meet the needs of the market;
- Conducting research on areas of mutual interest and hence sharing expertise and funds.